Good news!

This has been a wonderful morning already! Not only is the sun shining and I’m feeling a little better in myself, but I just got a phone call telling me that I’m onto the group interview stage with CyberDog Camden!!!

I am so excited for it! This would be one of my dream jobs to have alongside with my artwork and then I wouldn’t have to worry about applying for ESA or dwelling on the negative. I would be able to dress in my own style, have my piercings and tattoos out, wear my “sp00ky” makeup and be myself overall. I am determined not to fuck this group interview up or to seem over confident or anything. I WANT THIS. SO MUCH.

Then it’ll help with trust building with my parents. I’ll be able to go out freely again. See my friends. Maybe help elevate a modelling portfolio (hopefully I know). This is going to be the summer of ME. Where I get my self respect back and begin to be happy with where my life is headed.

Realistically, I shouldn’t hang all my hopes on this one opportunity. I will still be applying for more jobs, working on promoting my Etsy store and drawing more designs to create into prints. This time I refuse to be put down and pushed around.



This is going to be a personal post. To some people this would be a bad idea but there’s only so much writing in a “diary” you can do before you want others to acknowledge your pain. Initially I wanted this blog to be my ‘happy place’ but after the events in my life I do not know where my happy place is. I honestly don’t know where my place in this world is anymore and that partly scares me.

Thursday night I hit rock bottom. Again. In a cycle that hasn’t had an ending for the past five or six years and one that I struggle to break free from. A self destructive pattern that firstly began with sex. Yup, the big S-E-X. Well, when you’re 15 and full of raging hormones that feels like the only thing to stick in your mind. I wish it hadn’t. I wish I had decided not to be with this guy; I wish I had seen his manipulative emotional abuse; I wish I had seen that he didn’t actually care and that I was more of a “conquest” than anything else. Hindsight is a beautiful sense.

However, sometimes hindsight doesn’t prevent from creating the same mistakes repeatedly. Nor does it stop you from branching out those feelings of hurt and betrayal into other self destructive behaviours. In secondary school because I was the “dirty goff grunger” fellow students assumed that I self harmed and would bring the subject up at inappropriate times. The hilarious part is that I didn’t harm then. In fact I would tell myself that if I did, I would be following the stereotype that all alternative people have depression or an issue with harm. I would laugh it off. For years I denied that I had a problem with bullying or self esteem or depression. No matter how many times suicidal thoughts popped into my head I told myself this was normal.

Who’d have thought that five years down the line that I would be cutting.

Who’d have thought that three years down the line I would have a love/hate relationship with alcohol because it would numb me out until I cried.

Who’d have thought that telling yourself that you don’t have depression or an eating disorder or a distorted body image was much more damaging than initially thought.

Now don’t get me wrong. I do have friends and family that tell me they love me and that I deserve happiness. But when you are subconsciously switched onto self destruct mode, it’s very difficult to see anything past that. Medication isn’t a magic pill that “fixes” you. Therapy only truly takes affect in the long term and only if you stick at it. My personal mental health issues are like being behind a glass wall. You can see the world and the way to get better but that barrier is still there and makes you feel more removed the closer you get to it. In a cruel twist though, I am a stupidly deeply sensitive person. The smallest amount of affection or attention gets me hooked to that person. The smallest piece of appreciation shown and I’m addicted. I’m compassionate, desperate to be loved and that’s my ultimate weakness.

And the fucking hilarious part? Those people that I care for (that show me affection through sex or meaningless words) do not give two shits about me. Once they have what they set out to get from me, off they run. As if I don’t have an opinion as to how I want to be treated. But then when I’m on self destruct and drinking and cutting, these are the people that turn around and tell me how stupid I’m being. That I shouldn’t be hurting myself. That I am more than the disease in my head. Yet they don’t seem to grasp how their actions have damaged me.

On the outside I am a 21 year old adult woman. Mentally on the inside I am still the 6 year old girl who didn’t understand why she didn’t have friends but wanted to be wanted.

I am a creative person. The only problem is that my artwork has always been related to pain and the obscurity of suffering or the evils behind death. My second year of A Level art project focused on deformed pigeons and how people actively go out of their way to hurt these creatures. My Foundation Diploma project focused on whether there is a difference between serial killers and soldiers; why is one held in high regard when both of them can easily take a human life, innocent or not? Unfortunately I only see the world through cynical cracked glasses.

If you managed to read all of this, I honestly am proud of you for listening to my ramblings. I hope you can take some things on board but PLEASE REMEMBER: everyone’s mental struggles are different. The behaviours may be similar but the reason behind them can be varied across the spectrum.

To friends and family, I love you all.

To people who have read this and believe they may have been indirected, talk to me. Tell me why. Maybe now you will understand much more about me and why I do what I do.

Progress is going nicely

Another job completed! I’ve now set up a FaceBook page for my artwork. All I need to do now is get the images completed and to set up an Etsy page to sell my creative wonders on.

The sizes that I decided upon the prints are A5 and A4 (seems like a reasonable size). But would people want them in frames? And if so would I feel bad if I charged more for that?

Plus I’ve decided that the majority of my designs will be simple black outlines and dotwork initially but if anyone wants colour applied to it then I can photoshop it on. That way the original can stay nice and fresh in my tattooing portfolio and the digital version can be updated to suit everyone’s taste.

The only pain in the arse now is not having a “proper” job to help fund my little project. But that’s not going to stop me, god damn it! If Alan Sugar can start an empire after finishing school at 16 then I can at least create a slightly success artistic business of my own. The art world may be fickle and full of criticism but if you can stand above it then you can last longer than your own life span. I doubt Vincent Van Gough thought he’d be talked about years after his own demise yet here we are.


you know you want to…

Time to get to work!

Today I officially lost my job as a care worker. Honestly, after being signed off sick for a month I was kind of expecting it. I should be sad but after nearly a year of the job, I wasn’t happy at all. Pretty sure I called in sick more times in this year than I have in my entire life. OH WELL

My brother is currently helping me sort out even more of my designs on photoshop. I’m going to turning these bad boys into prints! I just need to open up an Etsy store to sell them on, a FaceBook page to promote my art work on and to upkeep this blog. Which I haven’t been doing a lot of as I’ve been busy with trying to find a new job and not pulling out my hair from stress. Thank fuck for energy drinks and copious amounts of angry heavy music. None of that pop shite for me. Unless it’s Brit Pop, that’s a completely different ball park.

So far I have about 9 designs that I want to sell (because I like them and think they’re cute).

  • Three different skulls (similar to the raven design but all on separate prints)
  • Medusa in stone
  • A kawaii/goth girl
  • Perfume bottle of death
  • A fortune teller
  • An eagle (which I successfully managed to sell to one of my mates!)
  • Half wolf half mandala pattern
  • Half octopus half cyber goth girl

Three of those were custom designs from people that approached me but they allowed me to use the drawings for prints. I always ask my “clients” permission to use their drawings elsewhere otherwise they may feel that their designs has lost its uniqueness.


I’d be more than happy to start this little business off with some awesome ideas 🙂

Day Two of this Blog

I feel completely drained. Today was mostly spent colouring and shading a custom eagle design for a friend of mine on Photoshop.


If anyone who buys my prints wants it in colour, I would gladly hand-draw the colour into the design instead of using that darn programme again. I know I need to expand with my art work and develop more of my colour work, but fuck me. My style is block outlines and dotwork shading, simple not brain-melting. Intricate designs mostly look better in monotone anyways (in my opinion, don’t shoot me down!).

So far all I’ve had today is some granola and water. Maybe a “struggling artist” diet plan needs to be created so that fellow artists can feel energised without making food messes over their pieces. Or things to eat during exhibitions, or gallery events. That way the “starving artist” stereotype can be gotten rid of. Except budgets exist. And student lifestyles. Well it’s an idea!!

Last night in the UK was boiling hot. 90% sure I’ve sweated out the majority of my body weight during the night into my bed. At least my aloe and sedum plants enjoyed it (typical, tumblr user, pale blog, hardcore girl). Not only was the heat keeping me awake but also my brain decided to then start coming up with ideas. When I was much younger I used to like writing stories and creating small books out of coloured paper and thread. I want to try again at writing stories but for more of an adult audience. Possibly something that I can draw experience from to make almost a dark version of a diary. Not as in “oooOOoooOooohhHHhhh spooky” kind of dark; a much more realistic approach would appeal to an older audience. I want another string to my bow! It’ll keep me busy and keep my mental health from dipping low again.

My mental health may be for another blog post so that you can understand why my art looks like it does. I wonder where my foundation diploma folders are…

I guess I’ll introduce myself

Let’s get the boring stuff out of the way.

I am an artist. A struggling one. Not in a “struggling-to-get-someone-to-notice-my-art” way. As in a “let-me-look-at-my-work-and-be-happy-with-it-for-once” struggling way. Complex, I know.

That’s why I set up this blog. It’s going to be my therapeutic way of being able to show off my work, critic it nicely (without screaming or swearing at it), maybe sell some prints and see what happens.

Yes, I did draw the design above. It’s a little raven skull. This is the general style that I do, mixing traditional tattoo flash outlining with dotwork to make it overall creepy. I’m considering making this into a print or maybe some stickers. I’ve also drawn a couple of other animal skulls so that could be a good sticker pack to create. Fingers crossed.

So far I’ve spent the majority of today trying to colour in an eagle design that I created for a friend on Photoshop. All I can say is how bloody stressful it is!! Thankfully I had my brother there to guide me through but it’s taught me to either be selective when adding colour to a piece or not at all. If someone asks for colour again it’s going to be minimalist.

Well that’s my complaining done with (so far). Off to bed I go and hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to complete that design and set on another one. We can dream, right?